Pre Internship Work

On this page, I have linked my pre-internship reflection and all other pre-internship documents. These are here to showcase all the work I completed in class before my internship even started. If you click the buttons below, you will be taken to PDFs of each document.

Personality Type Reflection

Before our internship, reflecting on what type of personality we have is essential for success. This personality test included questions where we answered questions about ourselves and personalities. Analyzing what type of personality we have and our reactions to certain situations served as a great precursor to our internship to see where our strengths and weaknesses can come into play.
Personality Reflection
Employability Skills

Employability Skills Reflection

In this reflection, I discussed my strongest and weakest employability skills. I first filled out an evaluation for how good I am at doing certain skills. Then I found my worst skills and saw what employability skills they fall under. These 5 skills are now the ones I will be focusing on growing the most throughout my internship.

SMART Goal Reflection

For this reflection, I had to identify the SMART goal I was going to be working on throughout my internship. My SMART goal was to achieve over 60 hours at my placement while learning more about prosthetics and patient care in a healthcare setting. After identifying this goal, I wrote my reflection, which included details of how exactly I would achieve it during my internship.
Pre-Internship Reflection

Pre-Internship Reflection

This reflection was an overview of what I want to achieve while at my internship. It includes why I chose to do an internship, my SMART goal, my employability skills, and my overall hopes and expectations for my placement.

Ethics Agreement

Prior to starting my internship, my parents and I had to sign an ethics agreement that outlined basic expectations to follow during my placement. This includes promising to not plagiarize, lie, or be dishonest during the entirety of my internship.
Ethics Agreement